Marine First Aid Level 4 (VTQ)

206 videos, 10 hours and 11 minutes

Course Content

Introduction to serious injuries

Video 97 of 206
0 min 48 sec
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Understanding and Treating Different Types of Injuries

Introduction to Injury Types

In this section, we will explore various types of injuries that you may encounter. **Each injury requires a specific approach** to treatment, so it’s important to be familiar with the different methods for addressing them.

The mannequin used in these demonstrations is a basic trauma model. While it may not perfectly replicate real-life injuries, it will give you a good idea of what these injuries look like and how to treat them effectively.

Types of Injuries Covered

We will be covering a range of injuries, including:

  • Burns
  • Embedded Objects
  • Grazes
  • Cuts
  • Amputations
  • Open Fractures

These videos should be viewed in conjunction with others available in the course, particularly those focusing on the use of a tourniquet and haemostatic agents. **This section focuses solely on the injuries themselves and the appropriate treatments**.

Why Understanding These Injuries Is Important

In an emergency, the ability to quickly identify and properly treat an injury can save lives. **Each injury type requires specific knowledge** and skills, which we will outline in the corresponding videos. Whether it’s a burn, an embedded object, or a severe cut, understanding the correct procedure is crucial.

Final Notes

While the mannequins used may not be ideal, they serve as useful tools for demonstrating the principles of injury treatment.