Using a BVM
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Using a Bag Valve Mask (BVM) for Oxygen Delivery
Learn how to effectively administer oxygen to a patient using a bag valve mask (BVM) for optimal oxygenation and airway management.
Anaesthetist Grip
- Correct Positioning: Place two fingers on the mask (one at the top, one at the bottom), with one hand on the bag and three fingers free-flowing in the air.
- Mask Placement: Fit the mask over the nose and face, covering both the airway and nose simultaneously.
- Sealing: Press down with the top fingers to ensure a secure seal between the mask and the face.
Breath Delivery
- Squeezing Technique: Apply gentle pressure on the bag for approximately one second per breath, with a maximum of two breaths.
- Observation: Monitor for chest rise and fall and check for any unusual sensations, noises, or bubbling during bag squeezing.
Alert Signs
- Indications of Airway Obstruction: Any strange sensations, noises, or inadequate bag inflation signal potential issues with the airway, such as tongue obstruction or fluid blockage.
- Response: Address airway concerns promptly to ensure uninterrupted oxygen flow and patient safety.
Using a bag valve mask (BVM) requires precise technique and vigilant monitoring to ensure effective oxygen delivery and airway management. Be attentive to signs of airway obstruction and respond promptly to maintain optimal patient care.
Learning Outcomes:
- FPOS Extended unit 2 LO2.1, 2.3 and 3.9
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