Dental Injuries
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Dental Injury First Aid: Protecting and Treating Tooth Damage
Seeing a Dentist for Dental Injuries
Understanding when to seek dental care and how to provide initial aid for common dental injuries.
Chipped or Broken Tooth
Addressing a chipped or broken tooth before reaching the dentist:
- Protect the Mouth: Shield the injured area to prevent exposure to cold, especially when the injury has exposed a nerve.
- Consulting a Dentist: Schedule an appointment with a dentist for assessment and treatment.
Knocked-Out Tooth
Immediate steps to take when a tooth is knocked out:
- Locate the Tooth: If possible, find the dislodged tooth.
- Clean the Tooth: Rinse it with saline solution or milk to remove contaminants.
- Proper Reinsertion: Ensure the tooth is correctly oriented and firmly push it back into place.
- Stabilize with a Gum Shield: If available, use a gum shield to hold the tooth in position.
- Seek Dental or A & E Care: Visit a dentist for treatment, or if one isn't accessible, consider the Accident & Emergency department with oral surgery staff.
Pain Management
How to alleviate pain associated with dental injuries:
- Over-the-Counter Painkillers: Use pain relievers typically taken for headaches.
Post-Injury Care
Ensuring the patient is comfortable and prepared for dental treatment:
- Clean-Up: Address any bleeding, and be aware of potential lip injuries.
- Comforting Children: Keep young patients calm, as blood may be distressing to them.
Timely dental care is crucial for managing dental injuries effectively.
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