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Oxygen Cylinders: A Comprehensive Guide
Oxygen, an essential life-sustaining element, is typically stored in colourless and odourless gas form within black cylinders featuring white necks. This colour scheme is unique to oxygen cylinders and is universally recognised. No other colours represent oxygen storage.
Recognising Oxygen Cylinder Indicators
Key aspects to keep in mind regarding oxygen cylinders include:
- The Filling Gauge: A critical component to monitor, this indicator communicates the remaining amount of oxygen. A green reading signifies a full cylinder, whereas red indicates that the cylinder is empty. Aim to replace or refill the cylinder when the gauge displays less than a quarter full.
- The On-Off Port: This component controls the release of oxygen. It should always remain closed unless the cylinder is in use, as a slight leak or seepage can occur otherwise.
- Oxygen Pipe Port: This is where your oxygen tube connects to the cylinder.
- Regulator: Located on top of the cylinder, this control allows you to adjust the flow of oxygen. The regulator can be adjusted from zero up to a maximum of 15 litres. This flow can be incrementally decreased until the supply is shut off.
Safe Storage of Oxygen Cylinders
After using an oxygen cylinder, ensure that the cylinder is off and the regulator is set to zero. Oxygen cylinders should always be stored in this manner, promoting safety and preventing unnecessary leakage.
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