Medical gas storage
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Safe Storage and Handling of Medical Gases
Appropriate Storage
Key Considerations:
- Medical gases are classified as drugs and require proper storage.
- Store in a lockable, well-ventilated area of sufficient size.
- Implement a system for regularly changing date stamps on gas cylinders.
- Keep a log of all medical gas transactions to monitor cylinder usage.
Flammability and Safety
Handling Precautions:
- Oxygen and medical gases are highly flammable; they ignite at high temperatures.
- Prevent contact with greases and oils to avoid combustion.
- Store at normal room temperature in a locked area, preferably outdoors.
Safe Cylinder Handling
Protective Measures:
- Exercise caution when exchanging cylinders to avoid damage.
- Cylinders are made of materials like aluminium, carbon fibre, or steel.
- The regulator, headsets, and gauges are plastic and vulnerable to impact.
- Securely fasten cylinders to prevent them from becoming projectiles in case of accidents.
Organizational Policies
Compliance and Guidelines:
- Adhere to your organization's policies and procedures for oxygen cylinder storage and exchange.
Secure Storage in Vehicles
Vehicle Safety:
- Fix cylinders in place inside the vehicle to prevent them from rolling during travel.
- Never allow cylinders to roam freely inside the vehicle, especially in the event of a collision.
- Keep cylinders in a kit bag or storage container in the car's boot (trunk).
Separate Empty and Full Cylinders
Proper Organization:
- Empty and full cylinders should always be stored separately.
- Change the regulator gauge when cylinders are around a quarter full to maintain pressure and sterility.
- Regularly check cylinder contents to ensure they are full before use.
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