Marine band radios
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Guide to Marine Band Radios
Marine Band Radios are essential equipment primarily used at sea or in aquatic environments.
- IP Rating: High IP rating ensures functionality even when submerged in water, be it fresh or saltwater.
- VHF Operation: Operates on VHF frequencies; range varies based on atmospheric conditions and obstructions.
- Types: Available as handheld units or fixed radios; antenna position and height affect radio range.
- Antenna: Typically mounted on boat masts for optimal range.
- Antenna Type: Handheld radios feature robust, floppy antennas suitable for challenging environments.
- Accessory Compatibility: Some radios allow accessories like push-to-talk microphones and data transmission via computer connection.
This higher specification Marine radio includes:
- Distress Button: Initiates distress calls to coast guard or relevant agencies; programmable to send call sign and GPS location.
- Buttons: Large, easy-to-use push-to-talk button; programmable function buttons configurable via settings menu.
- MSSI and License: Each radio has an MSSI and requires a license and call sign for operation.
To operate a Marine Band Radio:
- Completion of a course and test is mandatory to obtain a license and call sign.
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