Marine First Aid Level 4 (VTQ)

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Life Jackets

Video 29 of 204
3 min 1 sec
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Types of Life Jackets and Their Uses: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the right life jacket is essential for safety on the water. The type of life jacket you need depends on your budget and the nature of your water activities. This guide will cover various types of life jackets, their features, and best practices for usage and maintenance.

Self-Inflating Life Jackets

One popular type is the self-inflating life jacket. This life jacket contains a small CO2 cylinder that inflates automatically upon contact with water through a special valve. Once activated, it inflates and provides full buoyancy. It includes a zip around the outside that opens up as the jacket inflates.

Features and Benefits

  • Compact and easy to wear, making it ideal for use on boats
  • Equipped with crotch straps for secure fit
  • Can be topped up manually by blowing into it
  • Available with splash hoods for rough offshore conditions

Proper fit is crucial. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for fitting and regularly inspect the life jacket to ensure it is in good condition and stored correctly.

Manual Inflating Life Jackets

Manual inflating life jackets are similar to self-inflating ones but require you to pull a cord to inflate. This type may be preferable in activities like paddleboarding where accidental activation could be inconvenient.

Conventional Life Jackets

Conventional life jackets are another option. These jackets contain built-in buoyancy material and do not require inflation. They are available in various sizes and feature pockets and zips for convenience.


  • Always ready to use without needing CO2 cartridges
  • Provides reliable buoyancy in the water
  • Easy to put on and take off

Children's Life Jackets

Children's life jackets are specially designed to provide extra support around the head to keep it above water. It is critical to ensure that children wear life jackets at all times on boats.

Key Features

  • Extra buoyancy around the head
  • Includes a whistle for emergencies
  • Encourages safety habits from a young age

Leading by example is important. If adults wear life jackets, children are more likely to do the same.

Best Practices for Life Jacket Use

To ensure safety, follow these best practices:

  • Always check life jackets for damage before use.
  • Store life jackets in a designated, easy-to-access place.
  • Make sure life jackets are the correct size and fit properly.
  • Regularly inspect life jackets for wear and tear, especially if stored on hooks.


Life jackets are a critical safety feature for any water activity. Understanding the different types and ensuring proper usage can help prevent accidents and ensure safety on the water. Always make sure everyone on board knows where life jackets are and how to use them properly. Staying prepared with the right equipment can make all the difference in an emergency.