Common injuries
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Common Boat Injuries: Risks and Precautions
Overview of Common Boat Injuries
Boating offers many pleasures but also carries potential risks. Here are some common injuries:
Lacerations and Cuts
- Causes: Fishing hooks, broken glass, sharp equipment, propellers.
Contusions and Bruises
- Causes: Slipping, falling, bumping into boat equipment or structures.
Strains and Sprains
- Causes: Lifting heavy gear, slipping on decks, rough conditions.
Fractures and Head Injuries
- Causes: Falls, impacts, collisions, hitting head on surfaces.
Drowning or Near Drowning
- Causes: Falling overboard, capsizing, water inhalation.
- Causes: Sun exposure, hot equipment, explosions, fires.
- Causes: Prolonged exposure to cold water or wind.
Heat-related Illnesses
- Causes: Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sun exposure without hydration.
- Causes: Salty environments, inadequate water intake.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Causes: Exhaust fumes from engines, poorly ventilated areas.
- Causes: Falls, jolts in rough seas.
- Causes: Faulty wiring, presence of water.
- Causes: Motion sickness from boat movement.
Stings and Bites
- Causes: Marine life encounters, jellyfish, sea urchins, fish.
- Causes: Repetitive strain injuries from rowing, handling equipment.
Eye and Hearing Injuries
- Causes: Debris, intense sunlight, loud engine noises.
Crush Injuries
- Causes: Getting trapped between boat and objects.
Preventing Boat Injuries
To minimise these risks, follow safety precautions and use protective equipment:
- Stay informed about weather conditions.
- Ensure boat maintenance is regular.
- Participate in training and drills for emergency preparedness.
Being aware of potential hazards and taking preventive measures can significantly enhance safety while boating.
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