Marine First Aid Level 4 (VTQ)

204 videos, 10 hours and 4 minutes

Course Content

Child CPR

Video 53 of 204
1 min 38 sec
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Child CPR Guidelines


Child CPR differs from adult CPR due to the likelihood of respiratory issues rather than cardiac problems when a child stops breathing.


In CPR terms, a child is defined as someone aged between 1 and 18 years old.


Initial Steps

When initiating CPR for a child, start with five rescue breaths to provide oxygen.

Compression Technique

  • Compression Depth: Apply chest compressions at about one-third the depth of the chest, adjusted for the child's size.
  • Compression Method: Use two hands if possible; one-handed compression may be necessary depending on the child's size.

Compression and Breathing Cycles

Perform cycles of 30 compressions followed by two breaths at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.


Continue CPR until medical assistance arrives, ensuring a defibrillator (AED) is available to potentially revive the child.