When an Asthma inhaler is not available
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Managing Asthma Attacks: First Aid and Preventive Measures
Handling an Asthma Attack Without an Inhaler
What to do when a patient lacks an inhaler or it's empty during an asthma attack.
- Locate Replacement Medication: Check for available replacement medications or send someone to retrieve them.
- Call for Professional Help: Dial EMS immediately as inhalers are the primary treatment.
Immediate First Aid
Essential steps to control an asthma attack before professional help arrives.
- Stop and Sit Upright: Advise the patient to stop activities and sit upright to ease breathing.
- Breathing Techniques: Instruct deep, slow breaths through the nose and out through the mouth to prevent hyperventilation.
- Humidify the Air: Consider moving the patient to a steamy environment like a bathroom with a running shower.
- Keep Calm: Stress exacerbates symptoms, so reassure and comfort the patient to relax chest muscles.
- Remove Triggers: If possible, relocate the patient away from asthma triggers like dust or smoke.
- Hot Caffeinated Drinks: Sip on hot, caffeinated beverages to help open airways temporarily.
- Seek Professional Help: Remember, this is a temporary measure; professional assistance is crucial.
Maintaining Inhaler Effectiveness
Tips to ensure inhalers are ready and effective when needed.
- Keep It Clean: Maintain inhaler cleanliness and keep the cover on to prevent dust and dirt ingress.
- Clean Spacer: If using a spacer, ensure it stays clean and dry for optimal function.
- Check Medication: Confirm that the inhaler contains medication, not just propellant.
- Carry a Spare Canister: Always have a spare canister when the level is low.
- Collect Latest Prescription: Regularly collect prescriptions from the chemist to ensure a fresh supply.
- Carry a Spare Inhaler: When traveling, have a spare inhaler for emergencies.
- School Inhaler Management: Schools with inhalers must maintain proper documentation and adequate supplies.
- Use Correct Inhaler: Ensure the right inhaler is used at the appropriate times.
- Correct Inhaler Technique: Educate on proper inhaler use to avoid blowing instead of inhaling.
- Check Expiry Dates: Ensure the inhaler is not expired, as it may lose effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit four LO7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4
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