The Nervous System
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Overview of the Nervous System
This guide explains the structure and function of the nervous system, highlighting its key components and how nerve damage can occur.
Basic Elements of the Nervous System
- Sensation: Gathering information.
- Analysis: Input and processing of information.
- Response: Reacting and taking appropriate action based on the processed information.
Components of the Nervous System
- Central Nervous System: Comprising the brain and spinal cord.
- Peripheral Nervous System: Consisting of nerves extending beyond the spinal cord.
Potential Nerve Damage
Nerves can be damaged due to various reasons, including:
- Compression: Such as spinal nerve compression from herniated intervertebral discs, leading to conditions like sciatica.
- Physical Trauma: For instance, severe ankle breaks affecting nerve function in toes and feet.
Importance of Timely Treatment
Immediate medical attention is crucial in cases of nerve damage to prevent long-term implications and aid recovery.
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