Types of Bleed
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Managing Different Types of Bleeding
1. Capillary Bleeding
Capillary bleeding occurs in superficial abrasion wounds and usually stops in a few minutes. If needed, bandage the wound, avoiding adhesive contact with the abrasion.
2. Venous Bleeding
Venous bleeding, while not as severe as arterial bleeding, involves steady oozing of dark red blood. Follow these steps:
- Apply direct pressure with a bandage or gloved hand.
- Do not lift the bandage to check for clotting; lift your hand to inspect for blood seepage.
- If necessary, have the patient hold the dressing in place.
- Use roller gauze to secure the bandage, starting at the distal end (away from the heart).
- If bleeding persists, activate EMS.
3. Arterial Bleeding
Arterial bleeding is characterized by bright red blood that may pulsate or spurt. Follow these steps:
- Apply direct pressure with a dressing.
- If blood seeps through, remove and dispose of the old dressing, and add a new dressing over the injury.
- If significant bleeding continues, consider removing all dressings and reapplying.
- Use your judgment to determine if additional pressure is needed.
- If there are no bone fractures or spinal cord injuries, elevate the wound above the heart.
- Secure the dressing with roller gauze, starting at the distal end and working towards the heart.
- You can twist the gauze for added pressure.
- Check for any blood seepage and ensure the bandage is not causing a tourniquet effect.
- Elevate the wound, and either call EMS or transport the patient to the nearest hospital.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit three LO3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4
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