Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

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Marine first aid kits

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Essential Guide to Marine First Aid Kits

Marine First Aid Kits are specifically designed for use on boats, kayaks, and dinghies. They provide all the necessary supplies to handle emergencies on the water. This guide will help you understand the importance of Marine First Aid Kits, their contents, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Understanding Marine First Aid Kits

Marine First Aid Kits share similarities with conventional first aid kits but are tailored for boating environments. The choice of kit depends on your destination and the type of water activities you will be engaging in. For coastal and offshore trips, specific regulations may require certain items to be included in your kit. Detailed information about these requirements can be found in the downloads section of our website.

Choosing the Right First Aid Kit

Selecting the right first aid kit involves considering where you will be using it:

  • Plastic Box Kits: Ideal for boats, these kits keep supplies organised and protected.
  • Pouch Kits: Suitable for dinghies and kayaks, pouch kits are compact and can be stored in a dry bag.

Regardless of the type, ensure your kit is equipped to handle a range of emergencies.

Contents of a Marine First Aid Kit

A typical Marine First Aid Kit includes a variety of items to address different emergencies:

Basic Guidance and Protective Gear

  • First Aid Instructions: Quick reference for handling emergencies.
  • Gloves: Essential for preventing infection and ensuring hygiene.

Bandages and Dressings

  • Large and Medium Bandages: For covering and protecting wounds.
  • Conforming Bandages: Flexible bandages for securing dressings.
  • Eye Pad Bandages: Specifically designed for eye injuries.
  • Triangular Bandage: Versatile for use as a sling or improvised tourniquet.

Specialised Items

  • CPR Resus Shield: Provides a barrier during resuscitation to reduce infection risk.
  • Wound Wipes: For cleaning wounds and surrounding areas.
  • Shears: To cut clothing or bandages for better access to injuries.
  • Waste Bag: For safe disposal of used materials.

Additional Supplies

  • Assorted Plasters: Various sizes for minor cuts and injuries.
  • Foil Blanket: Keeps the casualty warm, particularly important after exposure to water.
  • Safety Pins: For securing bandages and dressings.

Specialist Marine Kits

Marine kits are designed to handle severe injuries and contain advanced items such as:

  • Hemostatic Gauze: For managing severe bleeding.
  • Chest Seals: To treat chest wounds.
  • CellAED Defibrillator: A compact, fully automatic defibrillator for cardiac emergencies.

These kits are ideal for a range of scenarios, from holidays on a canal boat to more adventurous offshore trips.

Regular Maintenance and Readiness

Maintaining your first aid kit is crucial:

  • Regularly check that all items are in date and intact.
  • Inspect the kit before each trip to ensure all necessary supplies are present.
  • Store the kit in a dry, easily accessible location on your boat.


A well-prepared Marine First Aid Kit is indispensable for ensuring safety on the water. Whether you are embarking on a simple day trip or a long voyage, having the right kit can make a significant difference in handling emergencies. Regularly check and maintain your first aid kit to ensure it is always ready for use, providing peace of mind for your boating adventures.