Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

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The recovery position

Video 37 of 119
4 min 13 sec
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How to Safely Place Someone in the Recovery Position

When you come across someone who is unconscious but breathing, it is essential to place them in the recovery position. This guide explains how to do so safely, following the Stop-Think-Act approach for scene safety and effective first aid.

Approaching the Scene: Stop-Think-Act

Step 1: Stop

First, stop and assess the scene to ensure it is safe to approach. Look for any potential hazards such as ropes, water, or slippery surfaces. Check for loose animals or other dangers that could pose a risk.

Step 2: Think

Next, think about your actions. Put on gloves if you have them and plan your approach. Consider the environment, such as nearby boats or other people who might assist. Observe the individual for signs that they have been in the water or any other clues about their condition.

Step 3: Act

Finally, act by approaching the person. Introduce yourself, for example, "Hello, my name is [Your Name], I’m a first-aider. May I help you?" Even if the person is unconscious, they may still hear you, so keep talking to them to provide reassurance.

Checking for Breathing

To determine if the person is breathing:

  • Place one hand on their forehead and the other under their chin.
  • Gently tilt their head back to open the airway, which helps prevent the tongue from blocking the throat.
  • Lower your ear close to their mouth and look down their body. Listen and feel for breathing for up to 10 seconds.

Count out loud in one-second intervals to ensure a thorough check.

Performing a Quick Head-to-Toe Survey

If the person is breathing, perform a quick head-to-toe survey to check for any obvious injuries. Look for signs of catastrophic bleeding or other significant injuries, and assess if further first aid is required.

Placing the Person in the Recovery Position

To place the person in the recovery position:

  • Move the arm closest to you out to a right angle from the body.
  • Bend the knee farthest from you, so their foot is flat on the ground. Use this knee as a lever to roll them over.
  • Bring their other arm across their chest and place their hand against their cheek.
  • Use the knee to gently roll them towards you, keeping their hand in place to maintain the airway.

Ensure the person is stable and their airway remains open. Adjust their head and leg position if necessary to prevent them from rolling back onto their back.

Getting Help

If you are alone, inform the person that you are going to get help. Use a mobile phone to call emergency services or seek assistance from others nearby. Make sure to check on the person’s breathing regularly and continue to provide reassurance.


Following these steps ensures that the unconscious person is safely placed in the recovery position and reduces the risk of choking. Always stay with them and monitor their condition until help arrives. This method helps maintain their safety and supports a quick and effective response to their needs.