Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

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Common dangers

Video 5 of 119
2 min 44 sec
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Common Accidents and Hazards in Recreational Boating: Prevention Tips

Overview of Common Boating Accidents

Recreational boating is a popular activity but carries inherent risks. Here are some common accidents:

Falling Overboard

  • Cause: Slippery decks, sudden movements, or unexpected boat manoeuvres.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning

  • Cause: Odourless, colourless CO from boat engines, generators, or cooking devices.


  • Cause: Overloading, poor weight distribution, or encountering rough waters.


  • Cause: Impact with other vessels, underwater objects, or land.


  • Cause: Faulty wiring, fuel leaks, or mishandling of cooking equipment.

Propeller Injuries

  • Cause: Contact with spinning propellers, especially dangerous for swimmers or divers.


  • Cause: Lack of life jackets, inability to swim, or being trapped under a capsized boat.

Bad Weather

  • Cause: Sudden storms or changing weather conditions, posing risks without proper equipment or experience.

Sea Sickness

  • Symptoms: Nausea, dizziness, dehydration from constant boat motion.

Equipment Malfunctions

  • Cause: Failure of navigation tools or communication devices.


  • Cause: Loose ropes or fishing lines hindering movement or causing injuries.

Electrical Issues

  • Cause: Water ingress or poor maintenance leading to electrical faults, fires, or electrocution.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

  • Cause: Wet decks, clutter, or boat motion causing falls and injuries.


  • Cause: Prolonged exposure to sun without protection or inadequate gear in cold conditions leading to sunburn, heat stroke, or hypothermia.

Wildlife Encounters

  • Cause: Rare but problematic encounters with marine and bird life.

Prevention Tips for Boating Safety

To mitigate these risks:

  • Undergo proper boating education to understand safety procedures.
  • Regularly maintain the vessel and its equipment.
  • Always use appropriate safety equipment like life jackets.
  • Stay updated on weather and water conditions before setting out.