The Coastguard
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Role of the Coastguard in Maritime Search and Rescue
Responsibilities of the Coastguard
The Coastguard is responsible for coordinating maritime search and rescue (SAR) operations:
- Their primary role is to respond to emergencies at sea, along the coast, and in some inland waterways.
- They ensure the safety of all individuals in these environments, responding to incidents ranging from distressed vessels to people in danger.
Scope of Operations
The UK Coastguard's operations extend beyond maritime environments:
- They provide assistance in inland water emergencies on large lakes and certain rivers.
- They mitigate environmental hazards like oil spills in maritime areas and inform mariners of potential dangers through regular broadcasts.
Emergency Contact Methods
Methods to contact the Coastguard in emergencies:
- Use marine VHF radio on Channel 16 if at sea, or dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
- While less reliable than VHF radios at sea, 999 can be used in coastal areas with potential signal limitations.
Resources Provided by the Coastguard
The Coastguard offers various resources for maritime emergencies:
- Search and Rescue Helicopters: Equipped for day and night operations, essential for search and rescue missions.
- Lifeboats: Dispatched by institutes like the RNLI to aid those in distress at sea.
- Coastguard Rescue Teams: Trained volunteers stationed around UK coastlines for cliff rescues and shoreline emergencies.
- Emergency Towing Vessels: Assist ships not under command, preventing environmental disasters or collisions.
- Coordination Centres: Gather and disseminate information to dispatch resources swiftly and effectively.
Preparedness for Mariners
Mariners should familiarise themselves with Coastguard procedures and have necessary emergency contact equipment:
- Ensure readiness when heading out to sea or frequenting coastal regions.
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