Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

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Treating Serious Burns: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction to Serious Burns

In this guide, we will explore the steps required to treat serious burns, particularly those affecting the chest area. **Serious burns** can range from superficial burns, characterised by redness, to partial-thickness burns with blistering, and full-thickness burns, which involve charring and blackening of the skin.

Types of Burns

Burns can be caused by a variety of factors, including heat, flames, electricity, and chemicals. In this instance, we focus on **thermal burns**, which are caused by exposure to high temperatures.

Step 1: Cooling the Burn

The first and most crucial step in treating a burn is to **cool the affected area**. Cooling helps to stop the burning process and prevent further damage to the skin and underlying tissues.

**Use clean, running water** to cool the burn for at least 20 minutes. This duration is necessary to ensure that the burn is cooled through all the layers of the skin. However, finding sufficient clean water can be challenging, especially in remote areas. If available, use a hose or other continuous water source.

Important: Avoid using dirty or contaminated water, as it can introduce infection to the already vulnerable burn area.

Step 2: Applying Burn Gel Dressings

Once the burn has been cooled, the next step is to apply a **burn gel dressing**. These dressings are designed to cool the burn further and provide pain relief. The gel in these dressings helps to keep the area moist and prevent infection.

For larger burns, you may need to use multiple dressings. Apply the gel dressing gently over the burn area, ensuring that it covers the entire affected surface. If available, use additional burn gel or liquid sachets to enhance cooling.

Step 3: Using Cling Film to Protect the Burn

After applying the burn gel dressing, cover the burn with **cling film**. Cling film acts as a barrier, protecting the burn from infection and reducing pain by limiting air contact with the wound.

**Key Tip:** Lay the cling film over the burn in layers rather than wrapping it tightly. This allows for swelling, which is common with burns, and prevents constriction. For burns on the chest, use multiple pieces of cling film to cover the area without causing additional pressure.

Handling Clothing and Shock

If the burn victim is wearing clothing, remove it carefully if it is not stuck to the burn. **Do not attempt to remove clothing** that is burnt into the skin, as this can cause further damage.

Serious burns can easily lead to **shock**, a life-threatening condition. Monitor the burn victim closely for signs of shock, such as pale skin, rapid breathing, and weakness. Seek emergency medical assistance immediately.

Final Thoughts

Serious burns are medical emergencies that require immediate and appropriate treatment. **Cooling the burn, applying dressings, and preventing infection** are key steps in managing these injuries. Always seek professional medical help for serious burns, as they can lead to complications such as shock and infection.