Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

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Different types of trauma

Video 89 of 119
5 min 47 sec
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Treating Injuries on a Boat: Essential First Aid Techniques

Introduction to Treating Boat Injuries

Boating activities can lead to various injuries, ranging from minor cuts to severe trauma. Here, we discuss essential first aid techniques for treating injuries encountered on boats.

Types of Boat Injuries

Catastrophic Bleeds

For severe bleeds, such as limb injuries, immediate action is crucial:

  • Tourniquet Application: Apply above the injury site, avoiding joints, to halt bleeding rapidly.
  • Haemostatic Agents: Use for deep lacerations or wounds where direct pressure may not suffice.
  • Trauma Dressings: Pack wounds with haemostatic agents and apply trauma dressings for effective wound management.

Puncture Wounds and Foreign Objects

Handle wounds with embedded objects cautiously:

  • Do Not Remove Object: Leave in place to avoid further damage; secure with haemostatic agents and bandaging.

Chest Injuries

Recognise and treat injuries involving the lungs:

  • Vented Chest Seals: Use to manage wounds causing air leaks from the lungs; monitor closely for pneumothorax.

Head Injuries

Address head wounds effectively:

  • Wound Cloth and Bandages: Apply to control bleeding and protect the injury site.


Handle traumatic amputations with immediate action:

  • Assess Severity: Apply direct pressure or tourniquets as necessary to control bleeding.

Emergency Response and Preparation

Be prepared for emergencies:

  • Contact Emergency Services: Dial emergency numbers or contact the Coast Guard for guidance and assistance.
  • Preparation: Equip your boat with comprehensive first aid kits and bleed kits before setting sail.


Understanding these first aid techniques and having the appropriate equipment on board can significantly improve response and outcomes in the event of boating injuries.

For more information on haemostatic agents, tourniquets, or bleed kits, please contact us.