Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

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Types of Blankets

Video 22 of 119
2 min 32 sec
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Choosing the Right Blanket for Emergency Warmth

Introduction to Emergency Blankets

In this guide, we will explore various types of blankets that can be used in emergencies or simply to keep someone warm. **Keeping a person warm is crucial**, especially in situations where they might be wet or exposed to cold environments. We'll review different blanket options and their effectiveness.

Standard Blankets

The most common type of blanket is the **cellular blanket**, often referred to as a regular blanket. These can be household blankets, duvets, or even coats that can be wrapped around someone to retain warmth. **Key Tip:** Ensure the person is not wearing wet clothing, as water can draw heat away from the body 20 times faster than air. If possible, change them into dry clothes before wrapping them in a blanket.

Foil Blankets

**Foil blankets** are a staple in many first aid kits. These blankets are compact and lightweight, expanding into a thin, reflective sheet when unfolded. The primary function of a foil blanket is to reflect body heat back towards the individual, helping to maintain warmth. However, it’s important to note that foil blankets do not provide insulation; they only reflect heat.

Blizzard Blankets

**Blizzard blankets** offer more advanced protection with two layers and an air gap between them. This design not only reflects heat but also provides insulation by trapping warmed air in the gap. **Varieties include** large blankets, sleeping bag-style covers, and even versions designed for pets. These blankets are highly effective in more extreme conditions.

Marine-Specific Blankets

For marine environments, specialised blankets are available. These are designed to be used with a life jacket, allowing a person to climb inside while only exposing their head. This design is particularly useful in cold water situations, helping to retain body heat and prevent hypothermia.

Choosing the Right Blanket

When assembling a first aid kit or preparing for outdoor activities, consider the space available and the environment you’ll be in. **Foil blankets** are ideal for compact kits, while **Blizzard blankets** or marine-specific blankets are better suited for extreme conditions such as mountainous regions or open water. Always have a plan for keeping someone warm, especially in emergency situations.

Final Considerations

Whether on a boat, in the mountains, or at home, **being prepared with the right blanket** can make all the difference in an emergency. Choose the appropriate type for your needs and ensure it’s easily accessible when required.