Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

Course Content

The Air Ambulance

Video 16 of 119
2 min 52 sec
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Air Ambulance: A Critical Resource in Emergency Response


The air ambulance is a vital component of emergency response, providing rapid transportation and critical care for patients in need.

Deployment Process

Activation: The air ambulance is typically deployed at the request of the ambulance service for critical cases requiring urgent intervention.

Response Time: Offering swift response, it can access remote or challenging areas that are difficult to reach by road.

Role in Patient Care

Transportation: It facilitates the swift transfer of critically ill patients to the most suitable hospital for specialized treatment.

Inter-Hospital Transfer: Additionally, air ambulances are utilized for transferring patients between hospitals for further medical care.

Safety Considerations

Landing Zone Safety: Prioritizing safety, it's crucial to ensure a clear and safe landing area, free from debris or hazards.

Protection Measures: Personnel involved must wear appropriate protective gear to safeguard against debris thrown up by the helicopter's propellers.

Operational Limitations

Daylight Operations: Air ambulances operate exclusively during daylight hours, adhering to aviation regulations.

Night Operations: Nighttime operations are restricted due to safety regulations, with alternative options such as police or RAF assistance.


Resource Management: Given their critical role and limited availability, it's essential to judiciously utilize air ambulance services for genuine emergencies.

Specialized Care: They serve as a vital link in transporting patients with critical conditions, including cardiac emergencies and severe trauma, to receive timely medical attention.

Learning Outcomes:
  • FPOS level 3 unit one LO2.1