Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

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Marine bleed kits

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Marine Bleed Control Kits: Essential for Boating Safety

Marine Bleed Control Kits are crucial for addressing severe injuries on the water. Unlike standard first aid kits, these kits are specifically designed to handle catastrophic bleeding and are an essential addition to your boating safety gear.

Understanding Marine Bleed Control Kits

While conventional first aid kits are effective for minor injuries, such as small cuts and scrapes, Marine Bleed Control Kits are equipped to manage severe bleeding and traumatic injuries. These kits are particularly important in situations where rapid intervention is necessary to prevent life-threatening blood loss.

Combining Kits for Comprehensive Care

It's advisable to combine a standard first aid kit with a bleed control kit to ensure you are prepared for any emergency:

  • Standard first aid kits typically include dressings, plasters, and basic wound care items.
  • Bleed control kits are designed to handle catastrophic bleeding, with specialised tools like hemostatic agents and tourniquets.

Contents of a Marine Bleed Control Kit

Marine Bleed Control Kits come in various formats, such as pouches or plastic boxes, and include essential items for managing severe bleeding:

Essential Items in a Bleed Control Kit

  • Gloves: Important for maintaining hygiene and preventing infection during treatment.
  • Instruction Card: Provides guidance on managing catastrophic bleeding and using the kit's contents.
  • Tourniquet and Marker Pen: A commercial tourniquet for stopping severe blood flow, with a marker pen to record application time.
  • Shears: Used to cut clothing and gain access to the injury site.
  • WoundClot: A hemostatic agent that forms a gel-like plug to stop bleeding effectively.
  • Z-Fold WoundClot: A larger hemostatic dressing for packing deep wounds or treating multiple injuries.
  • Trauma Dressing: Capable of absorbing significant blood loss, ideal for serious injuries.

Types of Bleed Control Kits

Bleed control kits are available in various configurations to suit different needs and budgets:

  • Pouch Kits: Compact and ideal for small boats or personal use.
  • Box Kits: Larger and suitable for more comprehensive coverage, including multiple items for various emergencies.

Maintaining and Using Your Kit

Proper maintenance and familiarity with your kit are essential for effective use:

  • Regularly check the contents to ensure everything is in date and in good condition.
  • Familiarise yourself with the kit’s contents and their uses through training or instructional materials.
  • Store the kit in a dry, easily accessible location to keep it ready for use in an emergency.

Sealing and Protecting the Kit

Kits can be heat-sealed for added protection against water and contaminants, ensuring the contents remain sterile and ready for use.


Marine Bleed Control Kits are an invaluable addition to your boating safety equipment. They are specifically designed to manage severe bleeding and can save lives in critical situations. By combining a bleed control kit with a standard first aid kit, you can be prepared for any emergency, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone on board.