Marine First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

119 videos, 5 hours and 26 minutes

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Accident Prevention

Video 18 of 119
2 min 22 sec
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Accident Prevention on Boats

In this guide, we will explore the crucial aspects of accident prevention when boating. Whether you are an experienced boater or a newcomer, understanding potential hazards and how to avoid them is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable time on the water.

Identifying Potential Hazards

When boating, it is important to recognise potential risks that can lead to accidents. Here are some common hazards to be aware of:

  • Always wear a life jacket while on the boat.
  • Be mindful of people sitting with their feet hanging over the back of the boat, as they risk injury from the propeller or being pulled overboard.
  • Watch out for slip and trip hazards, such as ropes lying around or steps leading into cabins.
  • Be cautious of low ceilings in cabins that require you to duck down to enter.
  • Consider risks like carbon monoxide and fire, which require vigilance and preparedness.

Ensuring Safety for All Onboard

It is essential to communicate potential dangers and safety rules to everyone on board, whether they are family or crew members. Making sure everyone is aware of the risks and knows how to respond can prevent accidents.

Familiarising Yourself with Safety Equipment

Boats come equipped with varying amounts of safety gear. Take time to familiarise yourself with the safety equipment available on your boat:

  • Identify the location of life rings, throw ropes, and fire extinguishers.
  • Check that all safety equipment is accessible and in good working order.
  • Ensure that first aid kits are well-stocked and easily accessible.

Regular Checks and Maintenance

Before each trip, perform a quick check of your boat to ensure it is safe and ready for use. Consider the following:

  • Verify that the safety equipment is in place and functional.
  • Check for any new hazards, such as slippery surfaces from recent rain or obstacles that could cause trips or falls.
  • If you have pets on board, ensure they are securely restrained to prevent accidents.

Creating a Safety Routine

Developing a routine for safety checks and discussing potential hazards with your crew can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Encourage a culture of safety and awareness on your boat.


Accident prevention on the Norfolk Broads involves recognising potential risks and taking proactive measures to mitigate them. By ensuring safety equipment is in good condition, staying vigilant, and communicating effectively with your crew, you can enjoy a safe and pleasant time on the water.