Marine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

81 videos, 3 hours and 45 minutes

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Navigation Apps

Video 6 of 81
1 min 37 sec
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Navigating the Norfolk Broads

Importance of Navigation

Whether for emergencies or leisure, knowing your location is crucial when exploring the Norfolk Broads.

Aweigh App Overview

The Aweigh app is a simple yet effective tool providing:

  • Location Information: Shows your exact location and direction.
  • Navigation Aid: Highlights upcoming landmarks like Wroxham broad.
  • Additional Details: Offers information on moorings and other relevant points of interest.

While the app displays broads and landmarks, these are for reference and not navigable points. Complement its use with traditional maps for comprehensive navigation.

Using What3Words

You can also pinpoint your location precisely using What3Words, enhancing accuracy when navigating with the Aweigh app.

Other Navigation Options

For navigating other rivers and canals, similar apps are available or consider using Google Maps for real-time location tracking.


If you're visiting the Norfolk Broads for a holiday, the Aweigh app is essential. It provides straightforward navigation and essential information to enhance your experience.