Compression only CPR
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Continuous Chest Compressions Procedure
If unable or unwilling to perform rescue breaths during CPR, continuous chest compressions can be administered to maintain circulation.
- Initial Assessment: Check for breathing for up to 10 seconds; beware of gasping which may not indicate normal breathing.
- Chest Compressions: Interlock hands over the chest and perform compressions at the same rate and depth as standard CPR.
- Continuous Cycle: Instead of alternating with rescue breaths, continue with uninterrupted compressions.
- Counting Method: Some prefer counting to 30 and then restarting to maintain consistency.
- Monitoring: Stop if signs of life appear or continue until an AED arrives or another rescuer takes over.
Handing Over
If fatigued, attempt to hand over CPR responsibilities to another trained individual to ensure continual care.
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