Marine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

81 videos, 3 hours and 43 minutes

Course Content

Inland water dangers

Video 2 of 81
2 min 12 sec

Boating Safety on Inland Waterways: Essential Tips and Dangers

If you are out on a boat on inland waterways, there are numerous unique dangers you need to be aware of. The scenic beauty of these areas often hides various hazards. Understanding these risks can help you stay safe and enjoy your time on the water.

Unique Dangers of Inland Waterways

Water Depth and Hidden Obstacles

The water depth in inland waterways is typically shallower than the sea, posing different risks if you fall overboard. Hidden branches under the water can entangle your feet, potentially pulling you under. Additionally, the banks are often very slippery, increasing the risk of falling.

Mud and Wildlife Hazards

Climbing out of the water can be challenging, especially if you encounter thick mud, which can be a significant problem. There are also numerous hazards from wildlife and sharp objects that can cause injuries.

On-Board Dangers

On the boat itself, you need to be cautious of the anchor chain and mud weight. Getting caught in these can cause serious injuries or pull you into the water. Whether you have a manual mud weight or a chain, ensure you handle them carefully to avoid accidents.

Safety Precautions

Wear Life Jackets

Always wear a life jacket. This is a crucial safety measure that can save your life in case of an accident.

Supervise Children and Pets

Keep a close eye on children and pets to prevent them from getting into dangerous situations.

Be Aware of Weirs and Lock Gates

Weirs and lock gates present specific hazards. Weirs can hold you underwater, and the mechanisms of lock gates can cause injuries. Always be cautious around these structures.


Boating on inland waterways can be great fun, but it's essential to be aware of the potential dangers. By understanding and recognising these hazards, you can take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your family. Remember, awareness and preparedness are key to preventing accidents.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about boating safety. Stay safe and enjoy your adventures on the water!