Marine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

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Emergency Flares

Video 12 of 81
3 min 24 sec
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Using Hand-Held Flares in Emergency Situations: A Guide

The Importance of Quick Distress Signals

In an emergency, whether on land or at sea, the ability to promptly summon help can make all the difference. Hand-held flares are highly effective in this regard, as they provide bright and highly visible signals that can be seen from a considerable distance, even in both day and night conditions.

Types of Hand-Held Flares

Pyrotechnic Flares

Pyrotechnic flares consist of two types:

  • Parachute Rocket Flares: These red flares offer a long-range signal, reaching heights of approximately 300 meters. They burn for about 40 seconds, providing visibility during both day and night, even in favourable weather conditions. Caution must be exercised when helicopters are present, as using parachute flares can pose a safety risk.
  • Hand-Held Flares: Available in various colours, red hand-held flares are suitable for day or night use. With a range of a few miles and a burn time of approximately one minute, they are ideal for precisely indicating the user's location. It is important to use hand-held flares downwind on a boat to prevent the risk of igniting any fuel.

Electronic Flares

Electronic flares utilise LED lights and operate on battery power. They produce a flashing light that is visible from a distance. Activating the flashing lights is as simple as pressing a button on the device.

Proper Technique for Using Hand-Held Flares

Using Pyrotechnic Flares

When using a pyrotechnic flare:

  1. Hold the base of the flare firmly in one hand.
  2. Use the other hand to strike the igniter on the end of the flare.
  3. Hold the flare above your head and aim it in the direction of the rescue team or nearby ships.

Using Electronic Flares

When using an electronic flare:

  1. Simply press the button on the device to activate the flashing lights.
  2. Hold the flare above your head and aim it in the direction of the rescue team or nearby ships.

Using Hand-Held Flares During Day and Night

Daytime Use

During the day:

  • Aim pyrotechnic flares at a 45-degree angle away from the sun.
  • Hold electronic flares above your head and aim them directly at the rescue team or nearby ships.

Nighttime Use

During the night:

  • Aim pyrotechnic flares straight up into the sky.
  • Hold electronic flares above your head and aim them directly at the rescue team or nearby ships.

Safety Precautions and Proper Disposal

Hand-held flares should only be used in emergency situations and can be dangerous if used improperly. It is essential to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions. After use, dispose of flares correctly and store them in a watertight container in a secure location. Expired flares must be disposed of properly.

By understanding the correct usage and adhering to safety guidelines, hand-held flares can serve as highly effective distress signals in emergency scenarios, potentially saving lives.