Marine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

81 videos, 3 hours and 43 minutes

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Injuries from Sea Urchins

Video 71 of 81
1 min 38 sec
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Sea Urchin Injuries: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention


Sea urchins are small, spiny marine creatures found in UK coastal waters. While seemingly harmless, their spines can cause painful injuries with potential complications.

Symptoms of Sea Urchin Injury

Description: Stepping on a sea urchin can result in immediate sharp pain as its spines pierce the skin, potentially breaking off inside the wound.

Complications: If untreated, the injury may lead to infection, presenting symptoms like redness, swelling, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatment for Sea Urchin Injury

If you suffer a sea urchin injury, prompt medical attention is crucial:

  • Seek medical help to remove embedded spines and prevent infection.
  • Antibiotics might be prescribed to prevent or treat infection.
  • A tetanus booster shot may be recommended depending on your vaccination status.

Home Remedies and Pain Management

In addition to medical treatment, you can:

  • Immerse the affected area in warm water to alleviate pain and aid healing.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relief medication like ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Prevention Tips

To prevent sea urchin injuries:

  • Avoid walking on rocks or areas where sea urchins are common.
  • Wear suitable footwear when swimming or wading in shallow waters.
  • Avoid touching sea urchins or marine animals.