Infant CPR
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Infant CPR Guidelines
Performing CPR on an infant requires specific considerations due to their small size and likelihood of respiratory issues.
Initial Steps
When administering CPR to an infant, place them on a firm surface to ensure effective chest compressions.
Respiratory Focus
As with child CPR, begin with opening the airway and checking for breathing. If the infant is not breathing and help is on the way, administer five rescue breaths.
Compression Technique
- Compression Method: Use two fingers to compress the centre of the infant's chest at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
- Compression Depth: Apply compressions to about one-third the depth of the infant's chest.
Age Considerations
In CPR terms, infants are considered from birth up to one year old. After one year, adapt to child CPR techniques.
Although performing CPR on an infant can be distressing, understanding these guidelines and practising the procedure can help you act effectively in an emergency.