CPR for drowning casualties

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Water Rescue and Drowning Response on Boats


Water poses significant risks on boats, particularly the danger of drowning. If someone falls into the water, quick and safe retrieval is crucial to prevent drowning.

Retrieval Procedure

  • Approach: Bring the boat close to the person in the water, ensuring safety by stopping the engine and disengaging the propeller.
  • Extraction: Pull the person out of the water onto a stable surface aboard the boat.

Response to Drowning

Breathing Assessment

Perform a breathing check using head-tilt and chin-lift technique. Assess for normal breathing or signs of drowning.

Initial Steps

  • Breaths: Administer five rescue breaths to provide oxygen and attempt to initiate breathing.
  • Compressions: If no signs of breathing, proceed with 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths.
  • Continuation: Repeat cycles of 30 compressions and two breaths until signs of life or professional medical assistance arrives.

Considerations for Drowning Victims

If water has been ingested, monitor closely for complications and seek medical evaluation promptly to assess for potential respiratory issues.